Supplier Diversity
Corporate supply chains and government contracting agencies are seeking minority and women owned businesses to contract with. Have you positioned your business to take full advantaged of the opportunities that are available?
Increase Sales, Boost Profits and Take Your Business To The Next Level
The objective of supplier diversity is to increase the opportunity for qualified minority, women, and disabled veteran owned businesses to supply their goods and services to large public and private sector entities. Supplier diversity offers under represented businesses the same opportunities to compete for and obtain contracting opportunities to deliver goods and services as other qualified suppliers.
Women owned small business and minority business enterprise are at the heart of supplier diversity. Veteran owned businesses as well as disabled and LBGTQ business entrepreneurs are also included.

What Is Supplier Diversity?
First, let's start with what supplier diversity does not mean. It is not a program designed to give a handout to so called "disadvantaged or minority" businesses. Diverse suppliers, which comprise ethnic minorities, women, disabled veterans and LGBT business owners, are qualified businesses and professionals existing to provide goods and services.
The unfortunate reality is society has historically, through institutional and other means, left them out of the mainstream of business development and opportunity.
As a result, a substantial portion of qualified diverse suppliers are trying to catch up in a race they have not traditionally started out of the blocks at the same time as non-diverse businesses and professionals. Given the opportunity, supplier diversity businesses and professionals excel and are competitive with the best.
Why Is Supplier Diversity Important?
Supplier Diversity is a proactive business program which encourages the use of minority-owned, women owned, veteran owned, LGBT-owned , service disabled veteran owned, historically underutilized business, and Small Business Administration (SBA)-defined small business concerns as suppliers.
Sourcing products and services from previously under-used suppliers helps to sustain and progressively transform a company's supply chain and reflects the demographics of the community in which it operates by recording transactions with diverse suppliers.
Diverse- and women-owned business enterprises are among the fastest-growing segments of the U.S. economy. As of January 2017 there was 11 million women owned businesses employing 9 million people and generating annual revenues of 1.7 trillion dollars.
Minority owned businesses during the same period of time employed over 6 million people and generated 1.8 trillion dollars in revenue. Women owned and minority owned businesses together create over 17 million jobs and generate 3.5 trillion dollars in revenue.
Clearly, the concept of supplier diversity is not only the right thing to do for the American economy it’s just plain good business sense.
How To Use Supplier Diversity To Create Profit For Your Business
- Become certified as a ethnic minority, women, disable veteran or LGBT owned business
- Register within corporate vendor portals to gain access to corporations seeking diverse suppliers through their diversity and inclusive platforms.
- As a diverse supplier you have a distinctive marketing position to fulfill demand for supplier diversity
- Grants and special loans are available to suppliers that meet certain guidelines to assist diversity and inclusive efforts.
- Sole source federal contracts for millions of dollars are available for multiple year periods
- Create joint venture contracts with corporate vendors and federal government contractors
Let Us Help You Get More Contracts
Discover how to mine the gold from federal government agencies that have millions of dollars to spend on the goods and services you have to offer. Many of these contracts are set aside specifically for minority and women owned businesses.
However, if you don't know about them and how to access them, you are missing out on one of the greatest opportunities to take your business to the next level. These contracts range from a few thousand dollars to multiples of millions. Some are for multiple years.
Perhaps you are thinking that you don't qualify because of lack of capital, lack of certification or lack of experience or just plain don't know how to use the system to get these valuable business building contracts.
Here's the good part. You don't have to do it alone. We can help. We have the background, knowledge and experience to help match you up with the right contract, the capital needed to complete the job and can match you with the experience if needed.
The combined business that is available for you to tap into consists of billions of dollars. Federal contracting for small businesses just like yours is one of the best kept secrets and that's really a shame because the opportunity is there.
You see the federal government buys everything. It sells nothing and it doesn't advertise it's contracting opportunities except in a limited and specialized way. That's where our firm comes in and literally takes you by the hand and walks you through step by step to match your business up with an opportunity, help bid and acquire the contract and assist you with what you need to complete it.
Contracting Opportunities
Here's Our Special Risk Free Offer:

What's The Catch? There is No Catch
Our risk free offer is real. We will only get paid if we help you obtain a contract. We get a small percentage of the contract. If you don't obtain a contract you still get access to the risk free services offer. Get theses Free bundle of benefits now and more. Fill in the information below and start contract gold mining now.